Category Archives: Writing Writing Wriing

Back To Blogging

Looks like I am getting back into blogging!

I first started to blog back in the days I had Xanga (spelling?) Or was it Xenga? I can’t remember. I log into this account and low and behold I still have it. That, and I signed up for my own domain name. I’m not going to charge for subscription yet, and I feel the overall content should be free. Speaking of content.

I’m mostly going to be writing about my perspective on life. Who know, I may write a book and call it, “Just Another Day in Being Levi.” I’ll share some things I learn, how I tick, how I think, what I think, what I have to say about something. That’s pretty much it. This is just the start. I still have to get used to all of the new buttons and lay out.